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Djebenah Buna - Coffee Liqueur

70cl, 25% vol.
As low as €3.90

Description :

An exceptional Coffee Liqueur, made from the maceration and distillation of specialty coffee beans, respectful of man and nature, selected in Ethiopia at an altitude of 2,000 m and roasted by Vincent Ballot®, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Torréfacteur 2018.

The ancestral know-how of the Master Distiller then expresses itself on this noble material... the first fragrances escape, timidly, then more intensely... a beginning takes shape and thus Djebenah Buna® awakens, meaning "Coffee Ceremony" and evoking this tradition so dear to the Ethiopian culture.

Djebenah Buna® is a 100% natural coffee liqueur that joins the « Trésors Massenez », which includes the prestigious Golden Eight® and Dom Pacello Royal Orange® liqueurs.

This unique liqueur, a creation of the Distillerie Massenez, is then proudly carried by David Palanque, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Barman and Massenez Ambassador.

Information complémentaire :

Produit certifié Kasher KS Pareve kasher

Kasher : Oui

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