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Massenez Private collection


Tribute to the Chinese zodiac

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Tribute to the Chinese zodiac

The twelve Chinese zodiac signs (Buffalo, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig and Rat) combined with the five cosmological elements (fire, water, wood, metal and earth) are the source of inspiration for this original creation, which gives rise to sixty different liquors, the result of the Distillery's expertise.

Un liqueur de célébration

Un concept unique

Massenez has created this series as a veritable collection. Each year, a fraction of the production is aged in wooden barrels for twelve years, until the zodiac cycle has completed one complete revolution. This new blend is then partly bottled, while the rest of the production continues to age for a further twelve years, and this for sixty years, when the exact sign of the zodiac once again makes its entrance into the sky.

Ox & Roses® 2021 - The Buffalo and the Rose

Ox & Roses® is the liquor for celebrating the Year of the Ox*. A sign with a Yin polarity, animated by feminine energy.

Colors like blue and red bring him protection. Flowers that favor it include rose and peach blossom.

It's only natural, therefore, that this liquor should contain soft floral notes, as well as the strength of a young, discreet brandy.

Ox & Roses® liquor has a golden coloration that comes exclusively from the natural color of the peach infusions and the brandy.

From the very first breath, a world of great delicacy emerges, where the intensely floral fragrance of rose and the fruity scent of peach intermingle.

*Years of the Buffalo: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

La note de dégustation
La note de dégustation

Tigers & Lys® 2022 - The Tiger and the Lily

The second opus in limited edition private collections from Massenez Distillery, Tigers & Lys® is the liquor to celebrate the Year of the Tiger*.

A sign of Yang polarity, animated by masculine energy. Colors such as blue, gray and orange bring him protection.

The flowers that favor him are cineraria and lily.

So it's only natural to find hints of curry, vanilla and citrus in this low-sugar liquor, which is blended with Scotch Whisky to affirm the intense, powerful and courageous side of this sign.

*Tiger Years : 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Bunny & Jasmine® 2023 - Rabbit and Jasmine

The 3rd opus in this collection, Bunny & Jasmine® is the liquor to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit*.

A sign with a Yin polarity, animated by feminine energy. Colors such as red, purple and blue bring him protection. Flowers that favor him include jasmine and lily.

Bunny & Jasmine® is a dedication to the Jade Rabbit, inseparable from the moon in Chinese iconography. A journey between earth and moon through the blend of a subtle carrot eau-de-vie and a delicate Calvados, studded with notes of apricot and jasmine, this liquor celebrates the sweetness of its sign.

*Rabbit Years : 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

La note de dégustation
La note de dégustation

Dragon & Chili® 2024 - Dragon and Chili

The 4th opus in this collection, Dragon & Chili® is the liquor celebrating the Year of the Dragon*.

A sign with Yang polarity, symbolizing a mythical creature endowed with immense power and considered the embodiment of the masculine principle. Protection, success, fire, strength and supremacy are all characteristics of the Dragon, evoked with character in this liquor.

With a base of cherry and wormwood liquor, spiced with bird's tongue pepper, Dragon & Chili® proudly embodies the power of its sign.

A unique, mythical liquor, subordinating the world to its will...

*Dragon Years : 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 and 2036.

Dragon & Chili® 2024 - Dragon and Chili